Our March 2023 Newsletter

What’s In the Newsletter: PSM GPO CA Executive Meeting – MONDAY March 27, 7:30 PM on Zoom Members and volunteers are welcome to observe this regular PSM GPO CA Executive meeting.  There will be time for questions and answers at […]

Town Hall Highlights – Action Needed

“Pushback on Bill 23 must continue!” Ontario Greens Leader, Mike Schreiner To those 130 who braved the freezing rain for last week’s Town Hall, Ontario Greens Leader, Mike Schreiner, did not disappoint. The key takeaway from both the introductory remarks and the Q&A was the need […]

Feb 7, 2023 – Town Hall with Mike Schreiner

Save the Date Tuesday, Feb. 7th 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m for a Town Hall with Mike Schreiner, MPP for Guelph and Leader of the GPO at the Active Living Centre in Huntsville Bring your questions and concerns about how […]

Our December Newsletter

With the help of so many volunteers, donors and voters, Matt Richter made history as our Ontario Greens candidate increasing his share of the vote in June in every corner of the riding, besting the former Mayor of Bracebridge in […]

Friday, Dec 9 – Travelling Climate Rally

It’s a travelling rally to Graydon Smith’s Office. You are invited to join Almaguin Climate Action and Climate Action Muskoka in a Day of Action Friday Dec. 9th.  Pictures of the event, as it happened – here Here are the details: […]

Our November Newsletter

Take Action – Climate Democracy Under Attack – Doug Ford and Graydon Smith Need to be Held to Account Picture: Green volunteers join Climate Action Muskoka Day of Action to Oppose Bill 23 In this newsletter: Congratulations to Arleigh, this year’s […]

Nov. 26 – Join Us to Save the Greenbelt

Doug Ford is bulldozing the Greenbelt in spite of promises to protect these critical spaces.  Hwy 413 will cost taxpayers more than $10 Billion while healthcare is crumbling, it will destroy critical farmland while increasing food insecurity, and it will deepen the worsening climate crisis while lining the […]