It’s easy to donate directly to the Parry Sound Muskoka Green Party of Ontario Constituency Association.
By Credit Card – Online
By Telephone
If you would like to process your donation over the phone, please email your
phone number to Paul Kuebler psmfinance@gpo.ca. and he will call you.
By INTERAC e-Transfer
Through your on-line banking, directing your donation to psmfinance@gpo.ca.
By Cheque
Mail with the completed Donor/Membership Form to:
Paul Kuebler
66 Clarke Cres.,
Port Sydney, Ont.,
P0B 1L0
Be mindful of a potential postal strike
Click below to view our Donor Form with more instruction on how to donate by cheque or email transfer and on page 2 find up to date information on donation tax credits.
Either way you can use your donation to become a member or renew your membership.
If downloaded, you can use the Fill & Sign tools in Adobe Acrobat Reader to fill the form electronically. Alternatively, you may choose to print the form and fill it manually.
If Partners are making donations through a common account, they must notify us, as to WHO the donation is in the name of!
“Thank you for your support”